NGMC Volunteers
Volunteer Information at NGMC
Interested in being a Volunteer?
The North Georgia Medical Center & Gilmer Nursing Home & Gilmer Nursing Home Auxiliary plays a vital role in the operations of the facility. With over 30 members, they are involved in various aspects of services, such as staffing the Beauty Shop in the nursing home, running the information desk in the hospital, and distributing surveys to patients and families. Auxiliary members also help with birthday parties for nursing home residents and run weekly social activities such as bingo and popcorn snacks. Members are also involved in community-wide projects, such as the health fair, blood drives, and knitting or crocheting blankets for various groups.
The Auxiliary awards scholarships through the annual "Love Lights" program and sponsor the Angela Williford Memorial Scholarship which is given out yearly to students pursuing a nursing career.
For more information, contact the Auxiliary President, at (706) 276-4741 ext. 269.
The Volunteens are students of Gilmer Middle School that volunteer their time to help out in various areas of the nursing home and hospital. Typical projects include: feeding the birds, fish, and other nursing home pets, passing ice, helping out with special events, and assisting with resident activities.
For more information about the Volunteens contact Tammy Baker, Activities Director at Gilmer Nursing Home (706) 276-4741 ext. 329.