Telephone Directory
Incoming calls can be received between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. After these hours, emergency calls will be directed to the nurses station.
Courtesy phones are located throughout the facility for the convenience of visitors. It is asked that these calls be for local use only and be limited to 3 minutes.
North Georgia Medical Center & Gilmer Nursing Home
706-276-4741 Main number
706-276-4741 Emergency Department
706-276-4741 ext. 6261 Outpatient Centralized Scheduling
706-276-4741 ext. 6374 Centralized Scheduling for Surgery
706-276-4741 ext. 6560 Administration
706-276-4741 ext. 6464 Human Resources
706-276-4741 ext. 6125 Medical Staff Office
706-276-4741 ext. 6358 Nursing Administration
706-276-4741 ext. 6082 Public Relations and Marketing
706-276-4741 ext. 6249 Community Center Information

If the number you need is not listed here, please call 706-276-4741.